Exquisite Fine Jewelry Internationally Recognized

Choosing to purchase a dazzling piece of jewelry in today’s technological world requires a leap of faith or a foolhardy spirit of a riverboat gamblers. Unless you or your jeweler has mastered the skills required determining imitation from synthetic and lab-created from genuine, one can’t begin to understand value factors. Choosing a professional jeweler is the most important decision you will ever make when considering purchasing fine jewelry, because most jewelers are not qualified Graduate Gemologists. Most jewelers can’t determine synthetic stones from genuine gemstones. Very few jewelers have the required formalized education to protect their customers. The vast majority of retailers would, in fact, fail a standard gemstone identification test.

Every Graduate Gemologist from Gemological Institute of America MUST score 100% on the gemstone identification test in order to graduate. Understanding gemology is only the first step when evaluating the true value of a dazzling gem. Only the educated experienced eye can determine the $50,000.00 wonder from the $500.00 imitation.

Thousands of consumers trust “Dr. Gem®”,

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