Ruby Facts

Rubies throughout history have been known as the “Lord of the Gems”. Their rarity and beauty have made them popular for two dozen centuries. Determining their value has been problematic through the years, because of the numerous hues of the gemstone.

Today’s experts not only have to contend with rubies in eight-four (84) hues and saturation (GIA. Gemset), but also have to determine whether their synthetic (lab0created) or genuine. Synthetic rubies are the most difficult gemstone to separate from natural. Additionally, today’s expert has to determine what enhancements have or have not been performed to improve appearance. Common enhancements include heat treatments and fracture fillers. Each factor effects value. Vivid color is the most important factor in genuine rubies and most graduate gemologists assign 60%-65% of value for color alone. The rest of the “Four C’s” make up the difference.

It is important to note that not all Lab-created rubies are created equally when it comes to value. Some cost a lot more than others, and some are mirror images of nature.  At this point, it must be noted that many in the trade allege that their rubies are from certain origins, ex. (Burmese rubies, Sri Lanka rubies), to inflate the price. Most retailers can’t guarantee from where the ruby source originated. The F.T.C. (Federal Trade Commission) mandates disclosure of foreign origin and prohibits misrepresentation of county of origin in gemstones. (Section 23.3(a) and (b).

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